I LOVE receiving testaments from people whose life and health have been transformed by giving up grains! I am so excited to share with you my friend Amanda’s story. She not only gave up grains but her and her family changed how they looked at food. Amanda, like a lot of people, including myself, has struggled with being overweight her whole life. She had been on many diets with no motivation or desire to continue or little to no success. Now after the birth to her son, she was ready for a change. Here is Amanda’s testament about going grain-free and never looking back. SARMs have changed the perception for cutting. You can use these supplements to get all the cutting benefits without experiencing any severe side effects. In addition, these supplements offer many other muscle-enhancing benefits. While using SARMs, you will not compromise your health like the steroids. If you are looking for best sarms for cutting then visit us today.
“I gave up eating grains about 4 months ago and I will never look back!! I kept seeing Satisfying Eats’ Facebook posts with all of those yummy looking “healthy” recipes. I made a few recipes from the blog and decided to buy the cookbook. I instantly loved it and couldn’t believe that what I was eating was healthy and that I would really lose weight eating this way. I was so inspired by reading about Melissa’s weight loss journey after having her son. I knew that I had to make a change. I thought “I could eat this way” and I did and the weight started melting off! I was a Happy Girl!! I have always had a really hard time sticking to diets. I have been overweight my whole life, so this has been a constant struggle. I would lose some weight only to gain it back. These “diets” also left me feeling deprived. I was constantly hungry so then I would drop the diet and gain the weight back. It was so frustrating! My life was a yo-yo diet! I think the main reason that this new way of eating is finally sticking and I’m not giving up is because of the knowledge I have learned. I have educated myself about why certain foods (like wheat, other grains, sugars, etc) are bad for me and the importance of eating the good stuff. I read a great and informative book, “Wheat Belly,” and it helped me understand how harmful and addictive modern wheat is!! I also feel satisfied after eating now, this is such a nice change. I always thought that eating the yolk of egg would raise my cholesterol, so I would just eat the whites. Well, little did I know that I was missing so many nutrients and it wasn’t affecting my cholesterol in a negative way at all! Needless to say, we now eat lots of farm fresh eggs, yolks and all! I also have a new love for coconut oil…That stuff is amazing!! This lifestyle change is sooo doable. It’s really not that hard to order a hamburger without the bun anymore. I honestly rarely have the urge to “cheat” because I’m eating amazing food already! Why cheat eating a piece of cake at a restaurant when I can make my own and know exactly what is in it! I will be honest and say that it does take some prep and organization. The foods that are best are unfortunately not the ones that are packaged and processed on the grocery store shelves. Luckily there are some amazing recipes out there when I am lacking creativity! I find myself LOVING to cook now and eating out less! Knowledge is power. When I first gave up grains and processed foods, a dear friend and I were talking and I told her that I was worried that I would quit and give up like every other time that I’ve started a diet. She told me that “I can’t unlearn what I have learned” and guess what, that is soo true! Will I ever go back to eating processed foods and sugary drinks? The answer is NO, Not gonna happen..I just can’t do it!! How could I go back after all that I had learned?? I began reading the labels and almost everything I was previously eating was LOADED with wheat, sugar, artificial junk and preservatives, YUK!! Now, if an item has more than a few ingredients I wont buy it. I want to know EXACTLY what I am eating and what I am feeding my family. If I can do this, I know that anyone else can! I’ve lost 33 lbs since January and my husband has lost 20 without feeling deprived or hungry. My husband has mainly only given up gluten, but I have given up all grains and most dairy. I do have some cheese and butter occasionally. I’m so happy that my family is healthier. My 11 month old won’t grow up eating junk like I did. I’m so thankful that we made the change now while my son is young so he won’t develop the same food habits his mama had. I feel so much better and have so much more energy. I also sleep more soundly and don’t have any of the gastrointestinal issues that I had before. If you have been contemplating “Can I do this” the answer is “Yes!” I promise IT will change your life!”I am so proud and happy for Amanda! It’s not about me and it’s not about a cookbook. It’s about sharing how easy and life changing this lifestyle can be. If you are struggling with weight or health related issues, I encourage you to “go against the grain.” Take control of your health and commit to just 1 month of eating grain-free! IT COULD change your life! The McDaid Chemists can provide you with all your medical needs on www.mcdaidpharmacy.ie where you can browse and look for what you need.
Do you have a testimony that you would like to share? Feel free to share in the comments!