“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” ― Hippocrates
Nothing makes me happier than sharing the success story of someone who is a dear friend of mine! When it comes to helping friends and family, I always tell them, “If I can’t help the ones I love, then what good am I?”
I am so excited to share my friend Denise’s story! I met Denise (which I called Ms. Denise at the time) when I was 12 years old. She was one of the sweet ladies at our church and always so much fun to be around. Even after I moved away 10 years ago, we kept in touch through Facebook. Time after time, I would read her statuses and I noticed that she was always having migraines. I felt so sorry for her but I was pretty sure I had the solution! I kept sending her information about wheat and grains and how they could be causing her headaches. Well I am HAPPY to announce… she took the plunge and kicked wheat to the curb! Read about the NEW Wheat-Free Denise!
Denise’s Story
“For many years I have suffered with migraines and stomach problems (due to being lactose intolerant & symptoms of celiac disease), not to mention problems with losing weight. I was having migraines almost every day sometimes twice a day, some that sent me to the hospital. I have been to doctors and tried all kinds of medicines, but nothing seemed to help. I had gotten to the point where enough is enough!! So as of August 1, 2013 I decided to go gluten-free. I had heard so many say it helped with their migraines and with other health problems. I thought, “What did I have to lose??”
I got in touch with Melissa, which is a really dear friend to me, and asked for her help. I ordered her cookbook and just started praying for God to give me strength and the will power I need to do this, which is something I have never had before. When I first started, I will be honest, I didn’t think I was going to be able to do this, because I am picky when it comes to trying different foods. But the first thing I made was flour-less and sugar-free peanut butter cookie and much to my surprise, they were AMAZING. So it gave me a little more of a desire to do this. I kept saying to myself..”I can do this.”
I found it to get easier and easier as the days went by. Melissa’s cookbook has been a big help and amazing, I love her breakfast sausage balls and her carrot cake is the BOMB!! if you are interested check out these nican weight loss reviews.
The whole month of August instead of having all the migraines I use to have, I think I averaged having 3 (if that). And as for weight loss, since I started this new lifestyle change, I have lost 20 pounds and went from a size 16 to a size 12 (& the weight is still coming off). I didn’t decide this lifestyle for the weight loss (which is a plus), but just to not be in pain and to be healthy. And October 1 2013, I stopped drinking Pepsi/Coke (soda). I have to say it was even harder coming off of soda than it was gluten. The first 4 days of withdraw I was plagued with horrible headaches but I knew I could do it. Then on the 5th day I woke up with no headache and I knew I was good. I know that I could not have done any of this without God’s help! So now I have been Gluten Free for almost 3 months and Soda-Free for almost and entire month and I really don’t miss it.
My goal is come January, to be totally clean eating all around. My new sayings now are (as I heard in my life group Made to Crave) “Satisfying your deepest desire with God, not food” and “Nothing taste as good as Peace feels.”
Because if we feel guilty about what is going into our bodies then its God saying to us that isn’t good for us.
Romans 14:23
My body is a temple I have come to realize with all of this, pressing in to Him more and listening to Him and I want to please God all the time.
Romans 14:19-20 a
So thank you Melissa so much for helping me and I that God for giving me the will power to do it.”
Getting Motivated
I still get so excited when I read stories like Denise’s. The mental change in her didn’t happen overnight. She didn’t take some magic pill or drink a magic shake and her problems go away. She made up her mind and knew she needed to change her lifestyle to improve her health.
Denise is not sad and depressed that she can no longer had “bread” (you can see she has already tried the Carrot Cake from the cookbook), but she is SO HAPPY to be without migraines and other health problems. Oh, and she lost weight too… what a great perk! She took control of her health and changed it for the better. She stopped relying on medications and started listening to her body.
The pursuit of health is not an all or nothing journey. Don’t get so overwhelmed that you never get started. Start making small changes TODAY and that will give you the confidence to keep going. Surround yourself with positive people and think positive thoughts. If you are a praying person, pray that God gives you the strength and wisdom you need, but even then, you have to do your part.
For more information about why cutting wheat (and grains) out of your diet could be the BEST thing you have ever did for your health, I encourage you to read “Wheat Belly” by Dr. Davis. Also, check out this FREE Summit to learn from the leading doctors in the industry about effects of gluten in our culture:

Melissa and the small faces of Satisfying Eats