Nothing says Southern than Squash Casserole! This recipe is simple but delicious! This recipe is filled with fresh squash from the farmers market and fresh raw cheddar cheese, yum! It even has a crunchy topping! Bring this to your next family gathering and you will be asked to bring this dish again and again!
This is a pretty traditional recipe using fresh squash, onions, cheese and mayonnaise! For those who didn’t have the privilege of being raised in the South, mayonnaise makes every casserole, really every food better! 🙂 If I told you the list of foods that we used to eat with mayo you probably wouldn’t believe it but they were oh so good! Back in the day our family used store bought mayo filled with vegetable oils but I now make my own using olive oil. Don’t worry, if you don’t like mayo, you can use cream cheese or even sour cream. The mayo just makes it extra creamy!
For me, food is #1) about memories, #2) about using the resources you have, #3) tasting good but, most important, #4) fueling our bodies! This recipe meets all these criterion so it is a winner in my book!
My Crazy Life
My love my little guys! They are smart, cute and unpredictable! Managing 2 little boys is like having 2 full-time jobs! They are going through different stages right now which requires ALL of mama’s time. I do love my little guys, I could eat them up, but on certain days (and those days are getting more frequent) I wish I could eat them up just so I could sit down for one minute in peace and quiet or perhaps post a new recipe. 🙂 I do realize they won’t be this age forever so I am cherishing the sweet moments but some days I just want to take a little break to be able share with you. Creating recipes is my outlet, my get away. Pretty soon, I will employ them in the kitchen and it will be a win-win! 🙂
I have began to do more projects with the boys and tomorrow’s project will be edible play dough! That way if they eat it, no harm done! Then we will make cookies out of it later! I’ll keep you posted… it should be fun!
Do you have any fun and creative projects for toddlers and preschoolers? If so, I’d love to hear them. Please give me your favorite ideas in the comments!
In the future, I would like to post at least 1 new recipe a week, at least that is my goal. If that doesn’t happen the good thing is that I have over 450 recipes between my 2 cookbooks and blog. That should keep you busy! So be patient with me. If there are days you don’t hear from me, I’m still here, just wrangling the boys or reading potty training books! lol
Food First TeleClass
I do want to take a moment to remind everyone that the Food First Teleclass presented by my friend Brandon Alleman starts next week. I have known Brandon for almost 10 years and he is one smart dude. Brandon is a Holistic Health Practitioner certified with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach and a CHEK Level 3 Practitioner. He also has a BS in Holistic Nutrition. His passion is to educate people about REAL food and how it affects our health and physiology.
Who should take the Food First TeleClass?
The Food First TeleClass is for anyone seeking and searching for the truth about food as it relates to health. If you find yourself struggling with your health and you are left to self-diagnose through the use of Dr. Google, internet searches and the like, and you have had no success on your own or working with others, the Food First TeleClass is for YOU!
What is covered in the TeleClass?
The Food First TeleClass is a 6-week course. Each week, a different “Lesson” will be covered and discussed. The six (6) “Lessons” are as follows:
- Lesson 1: Metabolism, Stress, and Blood Sugar
- Lesson 2: The Truth about Carbohydrates
- Lesson 3: The Truth about Protein
- Lesson 4: The Truth about Fat
- Lesson 5: The Basics of Exercise
- Lesson 6: The Truth about Sleep
From talking with Brandon, these lessons are LOADED with information that you aren’t hearing anyone in the mainstream talking about! He will discuss common reasons for bloating and GI issues, fatigue, exercise and recovery, sleep enhancement, meal frequency and a whole lot more. He will even hit on hot topics such as the use of probiotics, hormone creams and even some not so popular truths about Omega 3’s!
I am sure Brandon will “rock my world” with some of these topics but I am always looking for ways to improve my health so that is why I signed up. I don’t receive any commission if you sign up, I am only sharing because I KNOW you will learn more than I could every teach you. Remember, achieving health is a journey, not a destination. What we were taught was “healthy” 10 years ago may not be so today. For more information about the class be sure to check out his blog HERE. Deadline to sign up is Friday, September 26th!
Ok, back to your regularly scheduled program, I mean recipe! I hope you enjoy!
- 4 tbsp. salted butter (preferably grass-fed like Kerrygold)
- 1-1/2 lbs. yellow squash (or a mixture of squash and zucchini), sliced 1/4 inch thick
- 1 medium onion, cut in half and then sliced 1/4 inch thick
- 4 oz. raw or extra sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
- 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
- 1/4 cup plus 1 tbsp. mayonnaise, cream cheese or sour cream
- 1-1/2 to 2 tsp. Cajun Seasoning
- 3/4 cup crushed pork rinds (only ingredient should be pork skin and salt)*
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
In a large skillet, add butter, squash and onions. Cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes or until tender. Turn heat to low and stir in the remaining ingredients except the crushed pork rinds. Taste for seasoning and add extra if needed. Pour into a casserole dish and bake for 30-40 minutes or until bubbly. Before serving, sprinkle with crushed pork rinds and a sprinkle of fresh or dried parsley.
*If making ahead, be sure to add the pork rinds just before serving to maintain their crunchiness.
- Nutrition: 175 Calories, 15 grams Fat, 5.5 Total Carbs, 1 gram Fiber, 4.5 Net Carbs, 6 grams Protein