WOW, I can’t believe Thanksgiving is less than one week away! Between giving birth to my 2nd son in March (22 months after the birth of my first son), being a SAHM to my two little guys, and finishing up my 2nd cookbook in two years, I am one tired, but happy mama! I am so proud of all of my successes and accomplishments, both my two children and my two cookbooks! 😉
Comforting Eats, my newest baby, is finally FINISHED! The eBook version can now be purchased on Amazon. This cookbook will make the PERFECT Holiday present! You don’t want to miss this cookbook… over 150 more Grain-Free and Mouth-Watering recipes, and of course, with a bit of my Southern Flare! (Check out this post to learn more details about the book.)
My first cookbook, Satisfying Eats, is also available for sale on my blog in the form of an eBook and spiral bound version. It is PACKED with over 250 recipes and this Green Bean Casserole with Fried Onions is one of them! I am finding that many of the recipes are being looked over, and this one is not one to be ignored! It’s easy and will be perfect for your Thanksgiving gathering!
Purchase Comforting Eats spiral bound cookbook HERE
Purchase Comforting Eats eBook HERE
Purchase Satisfying Eats spiral bound cookbook and eBook HERE
Why I choose to eat Grain-Free this Holiday Season
Some may think that it’s not going to hurt them to splurge for the holidays or even one meal. You may think “I’ll get back on track after the holidays.” I do not follow this philosophy and here is why.
Some people have no choice, the slightest amounts of gluten, msg or processed food sends them to a place they don’t want to go. Immediate abdominal pain, joint aches and headaches. There is no debate whether to splurge, the answer is always NO. Others choose this lifestyle for weight loss and to improve their overall health. These people may be tempted to eat just a little piece of yeast roll or just a little bit of grandma’s dressing with the thoughts “It won’t hurt a thing.” So what is the harm in eating a grain-filled meal for the holidays?? A few things could happen:
- You only eat a small amount and you feel fine. This is possible.
- You only eat a small amount but feel horrible the rest of the day (and the next).
- You eat a small amount but then tell yourself that you might as well have a little more since you have decided to “splurge,” and that you will start over tomorrow. It’s possibly you will feel fine, and choose to get back on track tomorrow.
- You decide to completely splurge and eat all the grains and sugary foods you can get your hands on…. you not only begin to feel bad physically, but mentally as well. You then decide to splurge again on Friday, you know, to finish the leftovers. This continues until Monday, which is when all new “diets” start any way. (Insert Sarcasm) You weigh yourself on Monday to realize you have gained over 5 lbs and your stomach hurts, your head hurts and symptoms that you have not seen for weeks or months have returned with a vengeance. After this happens, may also think, “I will just wait until after the new year to start over.” So then you feel bad that you can’t stick to anything and your body just feels bloated and you are uncomfortable in your own skin.
Why put yourself though so much mental and physical anguish?? Especially when there are GREAT grain-free and REAL food options. I have eaten relatively healthy over the past 10 years. Then when I would go home to Georgia for the holidays, I would always eat like a glutenous pig, after all, “It’s the holidays.” This resulted in me feeling HORRIBLE! I would get SO tired and I would be lethargic my whole trip. I would be forced to take naps (it wasn’t optional, I could not function) which took precious time away from my family. I always gained at least 5 pounds and I would get so mad! It took me a few years to realize, it’s not worth it, at least not for me.
This will be my 3rd Thanksgiving without grains and extra sugar and based on the recipes I have created over the past 2 years, I don’t think I will be missing anything! I was pregnant last Thanksgiving but my first grain-free Thanksgiving, I actually lost weight! I didn’t even know it was possible but it is when you are not eating all the grain and sugar filled foods, that’s what happens.
I am not here to be the Food Police, choose what you want but be prepared for the consequences. I am only speaking from experience, wisdom it has taken me years to learn and just as long to even admit. I will not judge you, it is not my place to, but I do want to offer healthier alternatives that make it much easier to eat grain-free this holiday season. As for me, I will still be eating my family favorites but with a grain-free & sugar-free twist. I look forward to actually enjoying my family after the meal instead of crashing on the couch and not sabotaging any of my health and weight loss goals.
About the recipe
It’s pretty easy. My yummy mushroom gravy takes the place of the cream of mushroom stuff out of the can. Have you ever looked at the ingredients??
I think I will pass on the veggie oils, food starch, wheat flour, MSG and soy, yeah, I’ll pass! Now, how about those fried onions….
Again, I think I will pass on all of those ingredients except the onions! Why not just fry some onions?? Well, that’s what I did. I used expeller pressed coconut oil but you could also use pure lard.
**Remember, the more saturated the fat (coconut oil, butter, lard, etc.), the better it is to use when frying at high temperatures!
For the green beans, I chose to use frozen but you could also use fresh. Don’t go for the canned kind, it won’t be the same… they will be rubbery and you just don’t want to used canned beans unless you can them yourself! You can prepare this recipe the day in advance and warm it up either in the oven or on top of the stove. I would prepare the fried onions just before serving.
I hope you enjoy this recipe as part of your Grain-Free and REAL Food Thanksgiving Celebration!
Dairy-Free Version: Use canned coconut milk (be sure to use the kind that only contains coconut milk and water, like THIS one).
Serves 8
- 3 tbsp. salted butter (ghee or bacon drippings)
- 1/2 small onion, diced
- 6 oz. mushrooms, chopped finely (food processor)
- 3 cloves garlic, crushed
- 1/2 cup chicken stock
- 3/4 cup heavy whipping cream
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1/2 tsp. pepper
- 1/16 tsp. cayenne pepper
- 2 tsp. arrowroot powder
- 16 oz. frozen green beans
- 1 onion, thinly sliced
- Coconut oil for frying (expeller pressed)
Melt butter to large pot. Melt over medium-low heat. Add onion and mushrooms. Cook until tender then add garlic. Cook for another minute then add stock and heavy whipping cream to pot along with salt, pepper and cayenne. Add arrowroot powder, whisking well. Mixture should begin to thicken. Turn to medium-low heat and add frozen green beans and stir until well coated. Cover with lid and cook for 15-20 minutes until green beans are done.
While green beans are cooking, bring oil to 350° F. In a few batches, carefully drop thinly sliced onions into hot oil. Remove when they are very dark brown, but not burned. Drain on paper towel. Right before serving, top green beans with fried onions.
- Nutrition: 110 Calories, 9 grams Fat, 6 Net Carbs, 2 grams Protein per serving

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