Looking for a delicious and easy way to prepare your fresh zucchini that everyone will love?? Well look no farther! Not only are these home fries delicious but they are SO easy to make! They are the perfect side item on a busy summer day!
2 Small Children, Potty Training, Moving and getting ready for my 5th Printing of Satisfying Eats… Oh MY!
I think that my life just went into overdrive! Well actually, it’s been in overdrive for the last year and a half, since my little Connor joined our family. Between just keeping up (and keeping sanity) with a 3-year-old and 16-month old around, officially beginning to potty train my oldest and moving back into our old house in the city… life has been super crazy and stressful!
The positives are that because my son is ready, potty training is going… well, I guess. Day 3 and we are all still alive! lol For the first 2 days I did NOTHING but keep my eyes on him. I just knew that if I turned my back he would pee or you know what on the floor and I would miss an opportunity to take him to the potty. Day 3 has been much easier and relaxed but now my 16-month-old is a little under the weather and is extra clingy and whinny. He didn’t nap for his first nap and then our neighbor decided to have part of a tree removed today during his second nap. No nap and a sick baby means getting nothing done, again. This is becoming the norm. This is good and bad. Today I did manage to go over revisions of Satisfying Eats in preparation for it’s 5th printing holding a baby… yes, this is my life. My fast paced way of doing things is being forced to slow down.
Due to all of the stress, I have really been trying to focus on the peaceful and positive sides of my crazy world… and I do have so much to be thankful for. We have a safe home to live in, 2 healthy and loving boys, I have a wonderful husband and family, great friends, and an overwhelming passion to change the world one recipe at the time! 🙂 This is a pretty big feat for a girl from Metter, Georgia! 🙂 Yes, I am blessed but I am still stressed.
I have been desperately searching to find balance since Connor’s birth over a year ago. I don’t know if I will ever find “balance” but I must try for my sanity’s sake. The fact is: Motherhood is challenging, period. It doesn’t matter if you don’t work, work from home, work part-time or work 80 hours a week… it’s hard. So many expectations, so many failures and so many precious faces to give and show your love to and there never seems to be enough time to do it all with excellence.
However, the more I talk with other moms, the more I see that my life is “normal” which is actually very comforting to know. My advise to those struggling with feelings of inadequacy when it comes to being a mother or wife or even your “old” self…
- Stop seeking perfection. The perfect children or husband does not exist even though your newsfeed on Facebook would tell you otherwise. Who cares if your friend’s 2-year-old has been counting backwards from 100 and your 2-year-old is still digging in the trash? So what?! It really doesn’t matter so stop comparing your children to everyone else’s. Most people are only sharing the highlights of their life, not everyday reality (which for me is keeping my 16-month-old out of the trash).
- Stop trying to look perfect. After having 2 children, my body has not bounced back as quickly. It can be hard to look in the mirror and see a body that you don’t recognize. It’s ok. Love yourself. Take care of yourself but stop beating yourself up about it. (Also stop eating foods that you know are not helping your situation.. I can’t leave that point out.)
- Be honest with those around you. The most comfort I have received is when opening up to my friends about how hard it is to be a mom and them telling me similar stories and situations. I now feel “normal” and even though status quo is not always the goal, feeling “normal” sometimes is just what I need instead of feeling like my kids are going to stay heathens for the rest of their lives.

I say Pick One!
What advise would you give a mom of small children that you wish someone would have told you? Please share in the comments below.
I know this is a Grain-Free recipe blog but Satisfying Eats is Melissa McGehee, wife and mother, sister and aunt. I am just a normal mom trying to take care of myself and my family. I am not perfect but I strive to do my best and I encourage you to do the same! 🙂
About the Recipe
Well, this recipe came about from an abundance and my love for zucchini and to have my kids to love it too, one thing about zucchini is that is really healthy and it can help you boost good defenses for your body, to avoid diseases and viruses, read more at the Elisa website where you can find the Elisa Kit regarding your health Even if you don’t have them growing in your garden, you can get summer veggies like zucchini for DIRT cheap or even free. The farmer’s market has great prices and I am sure your neighbor down the road has more than he cares to eat!
Can’t have cheese? Try using Nutritional Yeast in the place of the Parmesan cheese!

Yep, I even dipped a few in ketchup!
Serves 3
- 1 lb. zucchini, cut into 1-inch cubes
- 2 tbsp. butter, melted
- 1-1/2 tbsp. Melissa's Cajun Seasoning
- 2 heaping tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. In a medium bowl, add the zucchini (preferably at room temperature) and then pour the melted butter over the zucchini. Stir with spoon, then sprinkle seasoning evenly over the zucchini and stir again.
Arrange zucchini on a cooling rack (oven-safe) on top of a cookie sheet. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until the zucchini begins to brown.
To a medium bowl, add the Parmesan cheese and then toss the warm zucchini with the cheese and serve.
Optional: Place Parmesan coated zucchini back on the cooling rack (on top of cookie sheet) and place under broiler until the cheese starts to melt. Be careful not to burn.
- Nutrition: 107 Calories, 9 grams Fat, 5.2 Total Carbs, 1.7 gram Fiber, 3.5 Net Carbs, 3.4 grams Protein