NEW Recipe: Best Sausage Balls ever! 6 minute cook time! $4 mixes!
Christmas and holiday parties are around the corner. How about bring something to the party that everyone will love and won’t leave you load it afterwards! 🙌

Parmesan Garlic Biscuit Mix now $4 a pouch! Get you some! 🙌 BUY MIX
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4-Ingredient Peanut Butter Balls
One of my favorite treats! I used to make these years ago but now, reflecting back on the ingredient list, I can’t believe I used to eat so many! 4 cups of powdered sugar… What was I thinking?? These big bites of peanut butter and chocolate taste just like the ones I used to…

10 Affordable, NO-Bake Christmas and Holiday Gifts
I LOVE Christmas time! It’s not about the gifts received (check the fathers day gift baskets here), but the time I get to spend with my family. This time is extra special, because for the past 10 years I have lived over 600 miles away from my family, but we always make it home for…

Satsuma-Cranberry Breakfast Cookies
This is my favorite time of year! Time with family and friends…. and oh, yeah, great food! Since giving up grains and sugar over two years ago, I have had my work cut out for me recreating my favorite foods. It has been fun and rewarding, knowing that these recipes will help not only me,…

Black Friday Giveaway & Deals
Original Blog Post I love Thanksgiving. It is a time to reflect on all the blessings in our lives. My two boys, my husband, my family and my friends are just a few of my blessings. I am also grateful your each and every one of you that has supported me over the past 2…

Green Bean Casserole & Thanksgiving Recipes
WOW, I can’t believe Thanksgiving is less than one week away! Between giving birth to my 2nd son in March (22 months after the birth of my first son), being a SAHM to my two little guys, and finishing up my 2nd cookbook in two years, I am one tired, but happy mama! I am…

Announcing…Comforting Eats Cookbook NOW Available on Amazon!
Purchase Comforting Eats NOW on Amazon! The winners of Comforting Eats eBook are: Betsy Ferrell Arsula Shumway Cheryl Marro Kelly Surace Stacy @ Stacymakescents Please private message me on Facebook to receive your free eBook! Congrats! Purchase Comforting Eats NOW on Amazon! Trying to transform your health by cutting grains out of your diet, but feeling deprived?…

Homemade Double-Strength Vanilla Extract
This recipe was taken from my new Cookbook, Comforting Eats, due out tomorrow, November 12th (eBook) and spiral version will be ready mid December! For more details and a chance to win 1 out of 5 eBooks, check out THIS blog post! The gift that keeps on giving, Homemade Vanilla Extract! A few months ago I FINALLY…

Comforting Eats eBook Giveaway!
11-11-13 Update: I am finishing up the final changes and the eBook should go live tomorrow, November 12th! That gives you one more day to earn a chance to win a free eBook… see below! Just a few more days until my new cookbook, Comforting Eats, is available as an eBook! I can hardly wait!!…

Comforting Eats Coming SOON!
I am SO excited to share with you the cover of my new cookbook, “Comforting Eats: More Grain-Free, Sugar-Free & Hunger-Free Recipes.” What do you think??? I am in LOVE! After another year of laboring on this book, “Comforting Eats” is my fourth child, after my third child, “Satisfying Eats.” If you have enjoyed the…

A Few of my Favorite Things… Kitchen Tools
Want to know what’s in the Satisfying Eats Test Kitchen?? Here are all of the essential or helpful kitchen appliances and tools that making baking, cooking and creating delicious recipes easy and fun. Be sure to read my note to find out why I chose each item. A good online store is, you will…

Denise goes Wheat-Free & Kicks Migraines to the Curb!
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” ― Hippocrates Nothing makes me happier than sharing the success story of someone who is a dear friend of mine! When it comes to helping friends and family, I always tell them, “If I can’t help the ones I love, then what good am I?” I am so…

Chocolate Graham Crackers
After the polling closed, Chocolate Graham Crackers won out over the Cheddar Crackers! The results didn’t surprise me. I have not met many people who do not like chocolate but I do know they exist. My husband is not a big fan… this just means I don’t have to worry about him eating my chocolate……

Cast your vote & stop by Williams Sonoma this Saturday for Cooking Demo!
I am SO excited! I hope that all of my local friends and “followers” will stop by William Sonoma in the Mall of Louisiana, this Saturday from 12- 4 p.m. I will be holding my very first cooking demonstration! This isn’t my own cooking show, lol, but it’s close enough for me! I will have…

Pumpkin Pie Mousse
There are a couple of reasons why it sometimes takes me a while to post a recipe I have promised, and each one of them has 10 fingers! Sometimes Mama Brain causes me to misplace my notes or the usual suspect (Hunter) takes them. Either way, I have use what little memory I have and try…

12 Reasons You Should Be Eating THIS Superfood…
“Good broth will resurrect the dead.” ~ South American proverb That’s a pretty strong statement and hopefully after reading this post you will understand the importance of good quality gelatin in your diet. What is Gelatin? I am sure you have noticed that your homemade bone broth thickens and resembles jelly after being refrigerated. That gelatinous…

Grain-Free Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Frosting
Lately, life has been SO busy! My 6 month old is getting more mobile, rolling and “pivoting” everywhere! Oh, and he doesn’t want to let mama out of his sight! My 2-year-old is all over the place as well, plundering through cabinets and climbing onto the tops of tables! 😉 They are both learning so…

Melissa’s Mocha Frappuccino
I like a good low acid coffee. I drink just a little in the mornings (usually about 1/2 cup). Some days it gives me something to look forward to after getting up with the baby during the night. It’s the small things in life when you have 2 little ones with no break for yourself….

Triple Chocolate Cookie Cake
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” – Hippocrates In search of an affordable, yet quality raw cacao powder, I stumbled upon a great company this week! Terrasoul Superfoods, located in Houston Texas, is a GOLDMINE when it comes to organic & raw Super-foods. Chocolate, the Perfect Food Yes, chocolate, more specifically Raw…

Supporting Satisfying Eats
The faces behind Satisfying Eats! As you may know, besides chasing around a 2-year-old and tending to a 6 month old, I spend HOURS a day behind the computer or in the kitchen creating or writing up new recipes for you to enjoy! To help compensate for my time, I receive a small commission for…
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