I am SO excited to share with you the cover of my new cookbook, “Comforting Eats: More Grain-Free, Sugar-Free & Hunger-Free Recipes.” What do you think??? I am in LOVE! After another year of laboring on this book, “Comforting Eats” is my fourth child, after my third child, “Satisfying Eats.” If you have enjoyed the recipes from my blog and first cookbook, you are going to LOVE “Comforting Eats”!
It was so much fun (and work) taking the photos for the picture. Trying to get 2 small children to cooperate, AT THE SAME TIME is almost asking for a miracle! lol If you are looking for a great photographer (and I mean GREAT), check out Aaron Hogan at Eye Wander Photo! I could not be more pleased!
eBook Release Date
As the old saying goes, “As long as the Lord is willing the creek don’t rise,” the eBook should be finished and up on Amazon by November 11th! I am working day and night to make this happen. I just can’t wait for you to try out all of my new recipes!
Hard Bound Release
As soon as the eBook has been published, I will shift gears getting it ready for print. I am going to do everything in my power to have the book in my hands by mid December so that you can purchase these cookbooks for Christmas. How does that sound??
What would you prefer?
As for the actual hard copy, what would you prefer?? I am still debating on the size and binding. I would love your feedback!
I am considering making this book a normal size, 8.5 X 11. This will make it look more like a “real” cookbook which I like but there are so many other factors to consider. By making it bigger, it will cost more so I have to weigh that into the equation. I do not want the print version of the book to cost more than $20 to you, so this size book may not be an option because of cost. I am also considering not making it spiral bound but doing a hard binding with a spine. I am also tossing around hard cover with spiral binding. Nothing is in stone yet, I am still crunching numbers and seeing which will be the best fit.
It all comes down to how much the book cost, but I also want the book to be easy to use and open, as well as durable. Since I order and print hundreds of books at the time (that must be paid for upfront), cost is a HUGE factor. Also, because I don’t have a publisher that is printing 20K at a time, my printing cost are much higher than the regular cookbooks that you may purchase on Amazon. Maybe one day I will be discovered (lol), but for now, this is how a self-publisher functions. At the end of the day, I just want to share my recipes with you and at an affordable price.
I am open to any feedback or suggestions about the binding or if you know of any great book printing service that offers great prices. Also, how do you like the 5.5 X 8.5 size of my first book “Satisfying Eats”? How do you like the spiral binding?? Please let me know.
Thanks again for your support. Without your constant encouragement I would have never started this journey. Two children, 500 recipes and 2 cookbooks later, I am still in shock that I was able to do it all and still keep most of my sanity! I hope you continue to enjoy my recipes and thanks for taking the time to share your feedback!

Purchase my first cookbook HERE.
If Amazon won’t deliver, please message me on my Facebook page and I will personally mail your copy! 😉