When I gave up grains over two years ago I also gave up Cinnamon Raisin Ezekiel Bread. I am pretty excited to now enjoy a slice of grain-free cinnamon raisin bread without creating the sugar spikes and the insatiable appetite I would get after eating the grain-filled version. Stay tuned for an upcoming post about why I don’t eat sprouted grain bread!
This recipe is a spin off of my Grain-Free Irish Soda Bread which is delicious and will be great for St. Patrick’s Day or ANY day! I love how the baking soda and vinegar gives the bread a darker and crusty exterior which reminds me of grain filled artisan breads. You can mold this dough into any shape you like but for this recipe, I chose to shape it into a loaf. The slits on the top help for even cooking and make it look like fancy bread! HA!
This is a denser bread which really does remind me of the yummy Ezekiel Bread I used to binge eat before reading Wheat Belly over two years ago! Feel free to slice and freeze this bread for when you just want a little bit of happy! Best if served at room temperature or toasted with salted butter.
I hope you enjoy!
**Looking for a Nut-Free version?? Simply (really, it’s this easy), substitute raw sunflower seed flour in the place of the almond flour. How do you make sunflower seed flour?? Place raw sunflower seeds in a Magic Bullet or food processor and process until sunflower seeds are pulverized and look like almond flour. Do not over blend or you will have sunflower seed butter. If it turns green, don’t worry. It’s just the reaction of the baking soda with the sunflower seeds!

Yeilds 12 slices
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1-1/4 cups almond flour (or sunflower seed flour for nut-free)
2 tbsp. coconut flour (I use Tropical Traditions or Bob’s Red Mill)
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. grain-free baking powder
1/8 tsp. Himalayan salt
1/8 tsp. Organic KAL Stevia or sweetener of choice, to taste
1-1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 oz. raisins, chopped (or snipped in half using scissors)
1/2 cup chopped pecans or walnuts (omit for nut-free)
1/2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
2 large pastured eggs
2 tbsp. real sour cream, cream or coconut milk (for dairy-free)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Butter (or use coconut oil) the bottom of a cookie sheet and set aside. In a medium bowl, add the dry ingredients (including the raisins and nuts) and blend well, making sure there are no lumps. Add the remaining ingredients and blend with a wood spoon until ingredients form a thick dough. Taste for sweetness and adjust if needed. (Yes, taste the batter.)
Place the dough onto the prepared cookie sheet, then with damp hands, pat and shape the dough into a loaf (the loaf will be approximately 7 inches long and 4 inches across ). Using a knife, cut slits on top of the dough, about 1/2 inch deep. Bake for around 25-28 minutes or until golden brown, and a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean. Allow to cool 5 minutes before removing the bread with a spatula to finish cooling on a wire rack.
Allow to cool at least 20 minutes before slicing the bread with a serrated knife. Enjoy plain, or toasted with salted butter.
I found that this bread was actually better the next day after I left it out to “air” cool.
Nutrition: 80 Calories, 6.5 grams Fat, 4.3 grams Total Carbs, 1.3 grams Fiber (3.0 NET Carbs), 2.5 grams Protein per slice.

Also be sure to check out my two cookbooks, Satisfying Eats & Comforting Eats, NOW available in eBook format through Amazon and the spiral bound versions are available here on my blog.
Happy Cookin’!