We have so many oranges, satsumas, mandarins, lemons and kumquats right now that we need to open our own roadside stand! Since “ain’t nobody got time for that,”I am trying to think of as many ways and recipes that I can use all of our citrus. Be sure to check out this post with 50 Uses for Lemons in the Kitchen. I also have a Sugar-Free Kumquat Marmalade recipe coming up in the near future!
Orange Julius, SUPER-Charged!
In my first cookbook, Satisfying Eats, I shared with you my first Orange Julius recipe. Since Satisfying Eats has over 250 recipes, I am afraid that this recipe has gotten lost in the pages so I am re-sharing because this one’s too good to be missed.
I did update my original recipe to include gelatin, coconut oil and egg for extra protein and added nutrients. This updated version is still a low-carb, sugar-free and now is loaded with Superfoods! Oh, and it taste delicious too!
Image Source
What you may not know about the Original Orange Julius…
The large cup of the Original Orange Julius pictured right above has over 117 Carbohydrates! YIKES! They advertise how healthy the Orange Julius is but the nutrition information says otherwise. Their site promotes the shake’s Vitamin C, protein and antioxidants, but what they don’t tell you is that their drinks will put you into a diabetic coma, and that’s NO joke! Unfortunately, their shakes also only contain minuscule amounts of protein.
A few years back I was at the mall and wanted something “healthy” (it was healthy in my definition at the time). I went to a smoothie shop and ordered a strawberry smoothie, with protein. I paid for the smoothie but when they started making my drink, they realized they were out of protein powder. So because I already paid, they just gave the me the larger size (with no protein). OMG… I promise that if I wasn’t with my best friend I would not have made it home. I felt HORRIBLE after drinking an entire cup of liquid sugar, especially with no fat or protein to offset it. It was really scary how I felt. Now I know why, our bodies are not designed to consume that much carbohydrates at once, ESPECIALLY without the presence of fat and protein. Lesson learned!
Quality Ingredients
Real ingredients make the recipe REAL delicious and TRULY healthy and SUPER-Charged!
Milk Use a good quality milk. If using cream be sure it doesn’t contain carrageenans, which are known to cause digestive problems. You can also use pure canned coconut milk or even 2 tbsp. of coconut cream concentrate (or coconut manna) and 1/4 cup water for a dairy-free version. I chose not to use regular milk or my homemade coconut milk in this recipe for extra richness.
Gelatin I added Great Lakes Gelatin to get my daily dose of good quality collagen. Be sure to check out this blog post and learn why you should be consuming gelatin.
Coconut Oil I add Virgin Coconut Oil to every smoothie I make. Remember, FAT is GOOD, especially the MCFA’s found in coconut oil. (Read HERE why you should be consuming Coconut Oil).
Pure Vanilla I now only use my homemade vanilla extract. Read your labels if purchasing vanilla extract from the store because they can sometimes contain sugar, artificial flavoring and even GLUTEN!
Orange Juice Be sure you are using FRESH juice, the kind you squeeze yourself! STAY AWAY from commercial juices. 99% of them contain natural flavors and have been treated and processed pass the point of having any real nutrition. (For more information, read HERE.) As my colleague Chris says, processed juice is just “Sugar Water,” and that’s pretty much the truth.
I used 1/4 cup of fresh satsuma juice (I love the bright color and taste of the juice), but you can also use fresh orange juice. Also, feel free to add more orange juice (an additional 1/4 cup) if you can handle the extra carbohydrates or you plan on sharing the drink with someone else.
Sweetener Use whatever sweetener you prefer. I typically use Stevia and very small amounts of raw honey or coconut sugar to sweeten my recipes. In this recipe I added a small amount of KAL Stevia. If using Stevia, be sure to read the label to make sure it only contains one ingredient, Stevia.
Egg This recipe also calls for an egg. This is an OPTIONAL ingredient. I know some people are weirded out by eating raw eggs, but as long as they come from organic, pasture raised chickens (and a reliable source), raw eggs are actually good for you. (Read more information HERE). Again, the egg is optional, but it helps contribute to the shakes consistency and also adds extra protein along with other vitamin and minerals.
Why eggs are best eaten Raw
Raw eggs are better because cooking them will damage the valuable nutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin, bioflavanoids present in egg yolk that are incredibly important for your vision.
Heating the egg protein also changes its chemical shape, and the distortion can easily lead to allergies.
Further, when an egg is overcooked, such as when it is scrambled, the cholesterol in it becomes oxidized, or rancid, and oxidized cholesterol can increase your levels of inflammation and lead to numerous health problems. (SOURCE)
Now you know, it’s OK to eat your eggs raw! Add the egg or leave it out, this recipe is still a keeper!
What’s going on at SatisfyingEats.com!
I’m pretty excited about the giveaway coming up on the blog (details to be announced this week) celebrating Satisfying Eat’s Facebook Page approaching 10,000 Likes! Some of the prizes include 1 gallon of Virgin Coconut Oil, 5 lbs. of Blanched Almond Flour, (2) $50 Gift Certificates from Terrasoul Superfoods, Beef Sticks by Nick’s Sticks, and even some cookbooks from yours truly! Stay tuned and keep spreading the word!
Also, both books Satisfying Eats and Comforting Eats are NOW in stock! You can also now get a discount on shipping when you order both books. Oh, and I even personally sign every one of them! (Look to the right and you will see where you can add the individual cookbooks to your shopping cart.) Don’t worry if you are out of the country, I will gladly ship my books anywhere around the world!
Want to purchase the eBook versions? Check them out Satisfying Eats and Comforting Eats on Amazon!
Satisfying Eats Cooking Channel on YouTube
I am SO excited to finally start my Satisfying Eats Cooking School YouTube Channel (check it out)!
Please let me know in the Comments Section below what you would like to see me demonstrate or talk about!
More Recipes
As you can tell, I have been “spitting” out recipes left and right, and I continue to keep up the pace! Now that I am not working on a cookbook, I can generously share more recipes instead of hoarding them for a book! I hope you enjoy what’s coming up!
Keep up with Satisfying Eats
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Thanks again for all of your support!
I hope you enjoy the recipe!

- 1/4 cup fresh orange, satsuma or mandarin juice (or more)
- 1/4 cup heavy cream or pure coconut milk
- 1/2 cup cold water
- Zest of 1 orange, satsuma or mandarin
- 1/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp. Great Lakes Gelatin (preferable green can)
- 1 tbsp. Virgin Coconut Oil
- 10-15 ice cubes
- 2 servings of KAL Stevia or sweetener of choice (to taste)**
- Optional: 1/2 tsp. pure orange extract (for extra orange flavor)
- Optional: 1 pastured egg
- Add all ingredients to blender, and blend until ice is crushed.
- Taste for sweetness and serve immediately.
- Optional: Add zest of orange on top of drink before serving.
- 340 Calories, 30 grams Fat, 7 Net Carbs,12 grams Protein (using cream & egg)
- ** 2 tbsp. of raw honey can also be used
Also be sure to check out my two cookbooks, Satisfying Eats & Comforting Eats, NOW available in eBook format through Amazon and the spiral bound versions are available here on my blog.
Happy Cookin’!