After the polling closed, Chocolate Graham Crackers won out over the Cheddar Crackers! The results didn’t surprise me. I have not met many people who do not like chocolate but I do know they exist. My husband is not a big fan… this just means I don’t have to worry about him eating my chocolate… it’s a great relationship!
This recipe is a sneak peek from my upcoming cookbook, “Comforting Eats: Grain-Free, Sugar-Free and Hunger-Free Recipes.” The eBook version should be completed by the first of November and the spiral version available the first of December, just in time for Christmas! I will be going NON STOP until then but I know it will be worth it!
I don’t mean to confuse anyone with my extra “notes” but I get asked time and time again about substitutions so I thought I would let you know all of the variations I tried. Today I made this recipe 5 more times (10 times total), playing around with the amount of egg, butter, kind of chocolate and sweetener used. Here are some of my notes.
As you know, I use Kal Stevia as my primary sweetener.
8/1/14 UPDATE: I now use Organic Trader Joe Stevia or Organic Kal Stevia in my recipes. I prefer the Trader Joe’s Organic Stevia for it’s taste because the Organic Kal can be a bit bitter.
I used a small amount of coconut sugar in this recipe as well as experimented with small amounts of raw honey. The coconut sugar is optional but I used it to achieve a little extra sweetness without risking bitterness that comes from using too much stevia. Even though this is “health” food, I still want it to taste good. When I used honey instead, the crackers had a little more of a chewy texture. In one batch, I also omitted the chocolate all together and used 1 tbsp honey for a “sugar” cookie cracker… this is a whole new recipe but if you don’t like chocolate (Heaven forbid), you could try this variation.
I normally recommend using raw cacao powder but I prefer the taste of regular unsweetened cocoa powder in these chocolate graham crackers. I made this recipe at Williams Sonoma this past weekend and I used their unsweetened chocolate (it was Dutch processed but I had to use it as part of the demonstration) and they were the best tasting. So my conclusion is use your favorite, high quality unsweetened chocolate.
Also, when I omitted the egg white, the cracker was more fragile. It still held together but was more delicate.
NOTE: 1 egg white is approximately 2 tbsp so if you double the recipe, you can use a whole egg white.
Dairy-Free: Use coconut-oil in the place of butter.
After all of the experimentation yesterday, I went back to my original recipe which was tested on many people at Williams Sonoma as well as my BFF… everyone loved them!
Other Uses
Enjoy these chocolate graham crackers all by themselves or use the dough and make a yummy chocolate graham cracker crust for a cheesecake or even Pumpkin Pie Squares (using my Pumpkin Pie Mousse recipe).
Can you think of any other uses???

Make Micky Mouse Cookies with THIS cookie cutter.
Cool Gadgets
My new favorite kitchen “aid” is my silicon mat. For this recipe, I simply rolled the dough out on my mat, cut the dough into strips using a pizza cutter and baked. I like using the mat because I can use it over and over and don’t go through rolls of parchment paper.
NOTE: Parchment paper is not the same as wax paper. I use wax paper when something is not going into the oven but if baking, please be sure to use parchment so that the paper does not catch fire in the oven (this is bad) and it comes off the bottoms of cake pans easily without sticking.
I hope you enjoy the recipe!
Makes 12 cookies
38 Calories, 3 grams Fat, 1.5 Net Carb, >1 gram Protein
- ¾ cup almond flour (I used Honeyville)
- 1 tbsp. coconut flour (I used Tropical Traditions)
- 2 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder or raw cacao powder
- 1 tsp. baking powder
- Pinch of Himalayan salt
- 1/8th tsp. Kal Stevia or 1/4 tsp. Organic Trader Joe's Stevia or sweetener of choice (to taste)**
- 1 tbsp. coconut sugar (optional)
- 3/4 tsp. pure vanilla extract
- 2 tbsp. unsalted butter, room temperature
- 1 tbsp. egg white (if doubling recipe, use whole egg white)
- ** 2 tbsp. or more of coconut sugar/raw honey can be used instead of stevia.
Preheat oven 325 degrees F. In a medium bowl, blend dry ingredients well. Add butter, egg white and vanilla to dry mixture and blend with wooden spoon until dough forms. Taste for sweetness and adjust if needed. (The dough should taste sweet to your taste buds.)
Form dough into ball and place in the center of silicon mat (or parchment paper). Place wax paper on top of dough and roll out dough until about 1/8th of an inch thick. Make sure dough is even thickness. The dough will be about 8X10 inches (roughly). Use pizza cutter (or your favorite cookie cutter) and cut the dough into squares (or desired shape). Transfer mat to cookie sheet and bake for 10-12 minutes. Be careful not to burn. (If your oven cooks fast, don't let these go past 10 minutes).
Allow to cool and break apart. Store in air tight container.
The faces of Satisfying Eats
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