NOTE: Be sure to use eggs from a healthy, trusted source. Most people worry about raw eggs, but there is no need to worry if you purchase pastured (NOT pasteurized) eggs from a local farmer whose chickens freely roam, eat off of the land and are well-cared for. There are MANY more cases of salmonella from processed, cooked foods than from using pastured, raw eggs. Just a thought.

WHY you should make your own mayo
First of all, homemade Mayo taste SO MUCH better than the stuff in the store, at least this recipe does. More importantly, traditional mayo that you buy in the store is made with soybean or canola oil, which is a big NO-NO! Vegetable oils have been glorified as healthy for years now, while saturated fat has been given the boot. This is the furthest thing from the truth! Canola oil has been one of the BIGGEST Marketing Lies. It is being pushed down our throats as healthy and this IS NOT TRUE. Even Whole Foods uses it in all of their prepared foods! :’-( Maybe I should send them my recipe!!

Thanks to Weston A. Price Foundation for Image
Why you shouldn’t use vegetable oils
- Canola, corn and other vegetable oils are usually made from GMOs.
- These oils are HIGHLY processed, unlike Virgin Coconut oil, butter and the real deal, lard.
- Vegetable oils contain HIGH amounts of Omega 6, throwing off the Omega 6 : Omega 3 ratio which should be 1:1.
- Veggie oils should not be used in cooking due to high heat causing the oil to oxidize.
- Vegetable oils contain high levels of polyunsaturated fats that oxidize in our bodies, which can lead to inflammation and clogged arteries.
For More Information, see: Wellness Mama, Authority Nutrition, Chris Kresser, Dr. Mercola It’s not Saturated Fats we should be worried about consuming in our diets, but these Deceitful vegetable oils that are hidden in MOST, if not ALL, of our processed foods!
My Favorite Recipes using Mayo
Please let me see your Homemade Mayo pictures in the comments below!
Makes a little over 2 cups
- 2 whole pastured eggs
- 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
- 3/4 tsp. salt
- 2 tsp. prepared mustard
- 2 cups light tasting olive oil (not a vegetable blend and NOT extra virgin)
Immersion blender: Add eggs, vinegar, salt, mustard and oil into a WIDE mouth quart Mason jar. Add immersion blender and blend. Move immersion blender up as mayo forms at the bottom. Mayo is ready once all of the oil has been incorporated. Takes about 30-45 seconds!
Food processor: Blend eggs, vinegar, salt, and mustard in food processor. While machine is running, slowly add oil, VERY SLOWLY!! Continue until all of the oil has been added and the eggs and oil have formed an emulsion or Mayonnaise. Taste for salt and adjust if needed. Takes about 6-8 minutes.
Store in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.