I have never advocated drinking protein shakes. I believe it is better to eat your protein and other nutrients than to get it in the form of a processed shake. I do make my “milk” shakes and have enjoyed them, but I wanted to make them more nutrient dense, not just tasty! The last time I drank protein shakes was about seven years ago, and I suffered from a kidney stone that same week. Was this coincidence? Perhaps…but I really don’t think so! Most of the protein powders we get from the store are garbage. Yes, I said it, expensive garbage! Protein powders are highly processed and not well assimilated in the body. I asked my colleagues over at Trinity Holistic Heath & Training what protein powder they recommend, and without hesitation, they suggested Great Lakes Gelatin! Check out THIS great article about the differences between traditional protein powders vs. Great Lakes Gelatin. I have been making my own bone broth for a while now, which is rich in gelatin and nutrients, and now I am excited to be able to add more goodness to my shakes!
Be sure to check out THIS new blog post about the benefits of using gelatin!
Most protein powders offer 20 grams of protein per serving, but how much of the protein is your body actually assimilating? How much of your hard-earned money is going down the toilet (literally)!? Also, free glutamate (turns into MSG in body) typically occurs in the production of gelatin and other protein powders, but doesn’t in Great Lakes Gelatin due to their manufacturing process. Note, Great Lakes Gelatin is not a complete protein. It lacks the essential amino acid, tryptophan. This is why I add organic peanut butter, or you can also add almond butter or pumpkin seeds to the smoothie if you don’t consume peanuts. I still don’t use shakes to replace meals, but at least now when I am having my milk shakes, I am getting lots of other nutrients too!
List of ingredients and WHY I chose them for my Shake:
(Be sure to click on all of the hyperlinks for more great information and where to purchase.)
- Great Lakes Gelatin: Improves joint health, promotes healthier skin, hair and nails! For more information about the health benefits of gelatin, click HERE! Each tablespoon of Great Lakes Gelatin contains 6 grams of protein. Click here for Kosher Gelatin!
- Raw Cacao or Unsweetened Chocolate: Chocolate is HEALTHY!! Let me rephrase, dark chocolate is healthy! Loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals! When choosing cocoa powder, Raw Cacao is best and be sure to avoid the Dutch Processed kind. Click HERE for more health benefits of chocolate. Click HERE to learn more about Raw Cacao.
- Unsweetened almond milk: If possible, make your own almond milk. The stuff in the carton, even the unsweetened kind, have lots of stuff added to it. By making your own and soaking the almonds, this reduces phytic acid, which inhibits the absorption of vital minerals. If you have access to raw milk and can tolerate dairy, this would also be a good choice.
- Pure Coconut Milk: Pure coconut milk is wonderful. I haven’t made my own yet but that is next on my list! Check out THIS link to find out some amazing reasons to drink coconut milk. If you can’t make your own, check out this great brand. The only ingredients in the brand you choose should be coconut milk and water.
- Organic Virgin Coconut Oil: There are so many benefits to virgin coconut oil. Put it on your skin, in your hair and definitely in your tummy! I have been trying to find ways to increase my daily intake and this shake makes it easy to get my 2 tbsp in a day! Check out 101 uses for coconut oil and why we should be getting more healthy coconut oil in our diet. Improve your fatburn dietary results by visiting meticore.com.
- Berries, Strawberries or Blueberries: Fresh berries are great sources of antioxidants and other vital nutrients.
- I also use 1/2 banana for my son’s shakes sometimes.
Use this recipe as a template and add your favorite healthy ingredients. I also take this time to add in my liquid Vitamin D3, or you could also add your probiotics to the shake. When enjoying your shake, be sure to use a big smoothie straw.

World’s Healthiest Shake
Makes a large, 20-24 oz. shake
11 grams Protein & 7 Net Carbs (if using almond milk and 1 tbsp. of Gelatin)
1 cup unsweetened almond milk, or raw milk or 1/2 cup pure coconut milk cut with 1/2 cup water
1/4 cup pure coconut milk (optional)
1-2 tbsp. Great Lakes Gelatin
1/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1-2 tbsp. organic virgin coconut oil
3 servings of Kal Stevia or sweetener of choice (to taste)
.5 oz. raw pumpkin seeds (optional)
7-8 ice cubes
Optional: 1/4 cup high quality yogurt
14 grams Protein & 12 Net Carbs (if using peanut butter in place of pumpkin seeds)
Add to Vanilla Shake:
2 tbsp. Raw Cacao Powder (my new favorite) or 2 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder & 2 tbsp. organic peanut butter (optional to use in place of pumpkin seeds)
~Place milks in blender. Sprinkle gelatin over milk. Blend for 20 seconds. Add remaining ingredients and blend until ice is crushed. Taste for sweetener.
11 grams Protein & 7 Net Carbs
Add to Vanilla Shake:

For Pops, pour blended shake into a Popsicle molds and freeze! Delicious!